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Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Free quiz questions

Just for fun, here are some free Q&As you can copy and use in any way to darn well like.

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Free quiz questions now -

  1. Boob Day in Spain what day in Britain (practical jokes played)? April Fools Day 1st April
  2. What crime did Theresa Vaughn commit 62 times in 5 years? Bigamy - Tried 1922
  3. Who sailed in a ship called Queen Ann's Revenge? Blackbeard
  4. Saponification is the process that makes what common product? Soap
  5. Blue red green yellow four Olympic rings colour what's missing? Black
  6. Detective Philip Marlow smokes what brand? Camels
  7. Who landed on Timor Island after being cast adrift? Captain Bligh
  8. What is the more common name of the Chaparral Cock? The Road Runner
  9. In what language did St Paul write his epistles? Greek
  10. Ian Fleming's house was called Goldeneye - which country? Jamaica
  11. Alfred Schneider became famous as who? Lenny Bruce
  12. A C-Curity was the original name of what common object? Zip Fastener
  13. Fidelity Bravery Integrity is which organisations motto? FBI
  14. Who was the first black entertainer to win an Emmy award? Harry Bellefonte
  15. Anthony Daniels played who in a series of films? C-P3O
  16. Of what material was the hairspring made in early watches? Pigs Hair
  17. In 1860 Napoleon III banquet - serving dishes dearer gold what?Aluminium
  18. Which author created Dick Tracy? Chester Gould
  19. What is the worlds most widely used vegetable? Onion
  20. What are lentigines? Freckles

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