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Tuesday, 15 July 2008
More pub quiz questions for free
Feel free to use this lot in any way you like and see the end of page for info on how ton get loads and loads more great free quiz questions as well as quiz supplies.
1. Caligari is the capital of what island? Sardinia
2. In what country are the Drakesberg mountains? South Africa
3. Venice stands on what river? The Arno
4. What is the capitol of Chechnya? Grozny
5. What is the sacred animal of Thailand? White Elephant
6. Timbucktoo is in which country? Mali
7. Who said If a lie is told in the Whitehouse Nixon gets royalty? Richard Nixon
8. What animal was the symbol of freedom in ancient Rome? Cat
9. The Emperor Augustus banned his men wearing silk - why? It was Effeminate
10. What was the first Beatles song licensed for use in a Nike advert? Revolution
11. James Drury starred in which TV western series? The Virginian
12. What kind of creature was Sam on the Muppet Show? Eagle
13. Who won the Tour de France 4 times 1961 to 1964? Jacques Anquetil
14. What food item in French literally means twice cooked? Biscuit
15. The larva of the click beetle is called what? Wireworm
16. Quinsy is the inflammation of which body organ due to abscess? Tonsils
17. Moses 10 plagues on Egypt - what was the fourth? Flies
If you knew them all (or even most) then I'm in awe, you must be a serious sage!
If you didn't know most don't worry, they're not meant to be simple. Now why not try some more and learn more so you can do better in future? Get yourself over to free quiz questions where you can grab 10,000 free quiz questions. Or if you're after the very latest questions go see pro fun quiz supplies.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Free history quiz questions
After history quiz questions for your fun quiz, pub quizzes, online quiz or do you just want some nasty hard as nails history quiz trivia to brain tease yourself, friends, workmates and family with? Yes? Well, read on!
For starters, let's get your history brain ticking over with the following 4 history quiz questions with the right answers.
1. Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin
2. Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans? Judas Escariot
3. Who was the first man to fly across the channel? Louis Bleriot
4. In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade? Crimean
Now try these very tricky history quiz questions without answers! (If you don't know the answers don't worry; the link at the end will take you to the answers sheet!)
5. What event supposedly occurred in the Coenaculum or Cenacle?
6. King Zog ruled which country?
7. Who took over as Fuhrer after Hitler's death till arrest 1945?
8. Where can you find London bridge today?
9. Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2?
10. Who sailed in the Nina - Pinta and Santa Maria?
11. Which leader died in St Helena?
12. What does ring a ring a roses refer to?
13. Who was the first man to run a sub four minute mile?
14. Who discovered radium?
15. Who painted The Haywain?
16. Which country had The Dauphin as a ruler?
17. Dwight Eisenhower was the first president to hold what?
18. 1300 to 1500 it was illegal for Englishmen to have 3 what a day?
19. Roman men had to swear on what to testify?
20. In ancient China people committed suicide by eating what?
21. What was the first battleship powered by steam turbines 1906?
22. Mare Nostrum was the Roman name for what?
23. The Romans called it Cambria - what do we call it?
24. The Red Rose City has what more common name in Jordan?
25. Who said "I've never had an accident worth talking about"?
26. Where was the worlds first oil well drilled?
27. Who said "A Single death is a tragedy a million a statistic"?
28. At the Festival of the Cleaver Spartans nailed what to the wall?
29. Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents ?
30. Who walked the Via Dolorosa - literally Dolorous Way?
31. What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter?
If you got them all (or even most of them) then I'm astounded to be honest! The Venerable Bede has got nothing on you!
If you didn't get them all or even most and really want the answers then visit Free history quiz questions where I'll give you the answers to the quiz and much more besides if you 10,000 totally free fun quiz questions - and when I say free I really do mean free quiz questions!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Free geography quiz questions
For starters, let's get your geography brain ticking over with the following 4 geography quiz questions with the right answers.
1. In which country is Zug? Switzerland (the smallest Canton)
2. What country is the home of the Ashanti people? Ghana
3. In Paris what are FD Roosevelt Stalingrad Louis Blanc? Metro stations
4. What country is known to its inhabitants as Suomen Tasavalta? Finland
Now try these very tricky geography quiz questions without answers! (If you don't know the answers don't worry; the link at the end will take you to the answers sheet!)
5. Paddie's Wigwam nickname of the RC cathedral what UK city?
6. The French call it Pas de Calais what do the English call it?
7. What country is nearest to the North Pole?
8. An isohel on a map joins place of equal what?
9. Where would you find a Walloon?
10. What port lies at the mouth of the Swan river?
11. In Paris there are two islands - Ile de la Cite and what?
12. What countries flag red circle on green background?
13. What is the worlds largest sand island northeast of Brisbane?
14. What world capital city is heated by volcanic springs?
15. What is the only French speaking republic in Americas?
16. Bam Yat and Holon are in which country?
17. Where do the White and Blue Niles join?
18. What appears in the middle of the Rwandan flag?
19. In what country is Legoland?
20. In what country are the ports Oran and Bone?
21. In what city is the worlds largest medieval cathedral?
22. OB is the international aircraft reg letters what country?
23. OD international aircraft registration letters of what country?
24. What US states name means long river in Indian?
25. Dover is the State Capitol of which US state?
26. Where would you find Giacomo Marconi airport?
27. What US State flag has a UK Union Flag on it?
28. What State was founded in 1948?
29. What links - Goa - Kerula - Assam - Bihar?
30. Which country do Sinologists study?
31. What was the capital of Ethiopia?
32. What is the largest state in the USA?
If you got them all (or even most of them) then I'm astounded to be honest! Mr Chris Columbus can eat his hat compared to you!
If you didn't get them all or even most and really want the answers then visit Free geography quiz questions where I'll give you the answers to the quiz and much more besides if you 10,000 totally free fun quiz questions - and when I say free I really do mean free quiz questions!
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
New quiz - Flintstones
The Flintstones are among his many movie and TV interests - as is quiz writing - So expect many more very challenging quiz packs.
If the Flinstones is something you fancy trying to crack (and to my ignorant eye it looks mega hard) see it here or copy and paste
Friday, 4 April 2008
New blogs of mine
A new bunch of sites I'm been working on that are now OK for public viewing! More work to do as ever but that's life!
They're all blog based so you can leave comments if you like. As long as they're constructive I'll approve them.
Nicksdogland - All about dogs. Articles on dog care, breeding and training, download product and for the US and Canada lots of products to buy from top pet shops online.
Xbox Doctor - Mainly focused of red light problems with articles on best Xbox games.
Best Career - Tips and ideas for CVs and job hunting. Before doing my own business I was good at job reason to do my own business, it gets you down! Anyway, I got good at CVs so I've put that down on paper here. Plus download product including a members site that can help you get a job on oil rigs!
Your Laptop - I love laptops so I'm doing a site on them. One day I'll save up enough for a top range Apple! Focused on how to get cheap laptops and make batteries last longer.
Future Commodities - Making money from foxex and futures online. I'm a keen shares trader online and quite good at it (lomg term focus)...I'd do forex too but have always been a shockingly unlucky gambler. If you're a good/lucky gamble check forex out you could mint it!
Pub names quiz
Give them the first name and ask them to guess the traditional English pub name
Cryptic Pub Names
Bird of Peace - The Dove
Dan Dare’s Pub - The Eagle
Drunken Angler - Tipsy Fisherman
Cooks Limbs - Bakers Arms
The Wide Road - The Broadway
Canine & pistol - The Dog & Gun
A Sphere - The Globe
Not a whippet!!!!! - The Greyhound
Happy Flour Man - The Jolly Miller
Drunken Abbot - The Merrie Monk
Boar in Dirt - Pig in Muck
Artic Nude?? - Polar Bear
Pretty Butterfly? - Red Admiral
Not a leg of lamb!!! - Shoulder of Mutton
Original bobby? - Sir Robert Peel
2 of them don’t make a summer - Swallow Inn
One horned horse - The Unicorn
“The Animals” House - Rising Sun
Jealous Homo sapiens - The Green Man
9 Days Queen - Lady Jane
Happy Miners - Jolly Colliers
The A.T.M - Hole in the Wall
Bent dwelling? - Crooked House
Filthy Richards? - Dirty Dicks
Feline & Violin? - Cat & Fiddle
Annoyed openers? - Cross Keys
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Free Quiz Questions
For 10,000 go to free quiz questions
1 What is the non obvious link Superman 1 and the Godfather? Mario Puzo wrote both stories
2 Collective nouns - A bloat of what? Hippotomi
3 Champagne bottles - 6 bottles of champagne are in a what? Rheoboam
4 Fiochetti is what shaped pasta? Bows
5 Calvados or Apple Brandy and Dubonnet make what cocktail? Bentley
6 What city stands on the Hooghly river? Calcutta
7 Chloe the girls name means what? Green shoot
8 Cockney rhyming slang what is elephants (trunk)? Drunk
9 Philippe Pages became famous as who? Richard Clayderman
10 What links Ygrana - Valentino and Cerrutti? Paris fashion houses
11 Who is the Patron Saint of cooks? St Laurence
12 Where was Rin Tin Tin set? Fort Apache - Arizona