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Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Free geography quiz questions

After geography quiz questions for your fun quiz, pub quizzes, online quiz or do you just want some nasty hard as nails geography quiz trivia to brain tease yourself, friends, workmates and family with? Yes? Well, read on!

For starters, let's get your geography brain ticking over with the following 4 geography quiz questions with the right answers.

1. In which country is Zug? Switzerland (the smallest Canton)
2. What country is the home of the Ashanti people? Ghana
3. In Paris what are FD Roosevelt Stalingrad Louis Blanc? Metro stations
4. What country is known to its inhabitants as Suomen Tasavalta? Finland

Now try these very tricky geography quiz questions without answers! (If you don't know the answers don't worry; the link at the end will take you to the answers sheet!)

5. Paddie's Wigwam nickname of the RC cathedral what UK city?
6. The French call it Pas de Calais what do the English call it?
7. What country is nearest to the North Pole?
8. An isohel on a map joins place of equal what?
9. Where would you find a Walloon?
10. What port lies at the mouth of the Swan river?
11. In Paris there are two islands - Ile de la Cite and what?
12. What countries flag red circle on green background?
13. What is the worlds largest sand island northeast of Brisbane?
14. What world capital city is heated by volcanic springs?
15. What is the only French speaking republic in Americas?
16. Bam Yat and Holon are in which country?
17. Where do the White and Blue Niles join?
18. What appears in the middle of the Rwandan flag?
19. In what country is Legoland?
20. In what country are the ports Oran and Bone?
21. In what city is the worlds largest medieval cathedral?
22. OB is the international aircraft reg letters what country?
23. OD international aircraft registration letters of what country?
24. What US states name means long river in Indian?
25. Dover is the State Capitol of which US state?
26. Where would you find Giacomo Marconi airport?
27. What US State flag has a UK Union Flag on it?
28. What State was founded in 1948?
29. What links - Goa - Kerula - Assam - Bihar?
30. Which country do Sinologists study?
31. What was the capital of Ethiopia?
32. What is the largest state in the USA?

If you got them all (or even most of them) then I'm astounded to be honest! Mr Chris Columbus can eat his hat compared to you!

If you didn't get them all or even most and really want the answers then visit Free geography quiz questions where I'll give you the answers to the quiz and much more besides if you 10,000 totally free fun quiz questions - and when I say free I really do mean free quiz questions!